
Worlds visited or mentioned during the narrative of the 312 Universe.  The entries below could contain mild spoilers, however, should be mostly safe.  Each one attempts to only convey background regarding each world’s most unique traits.

Buena Vista

A bucolic farm world far from the centers of Bureau governmental power, Buena Vista circles the yellow-white sun Alshain. Bright enough at class G8, the Magnitude IV star only possesses an arbitrary solar mass of 1.32. Consequently, visitors to Buena Vista find Alshain’s light slightly harsh and a bit too cool.

Throughout the majority of Buena Vista’s year, Alshain’s red dwarf companion star, Alshain B, presents as a dull red point dominating the night sky. Inhabitants of Buena Vista refer to the dwarf star as Ol’ Red Shain, or sometimes, the ‘Eye’ of Red Shain. Buena Vista is unique as the only populated planet with access to non-linked star (Alshain B) via subcee drive in less than twenty years travel time. The planet has been used as a staging ground for at least two Exploration efforts to Alshain B, although both proved unsuccessful in the search for new starlinks.

Beyond the proximity to an unlinked star, Buena Vista in all other ways bears the strong conformity and stability of any good Bureau world. Produce from Buena Vista supports more mechanized worlds and is seen on menus of better restaurants as far away as Bureau Prime.

Home Planet: Bennett Adams, Marcus Adams (Arcadia Mlenar, Jensen Mlenar)

Primary: Alshain

Alignment: Bureau


Essentially a great stone mass with a rotational period so incredibly fast that the escape velocity at the equator becomes almost negligible. A small orbital station here that serves as an ISOS, but it bears no official status. While bordering the Bureaucracy and the Directorate, both nations ignore Merrigo as worthless.

Jump links into Merrigo are heavily fortified with seeker mines. Rumors or, more likely, brags state that the enough seekers wait at each jump point to destroy over a dozen invading ships.  These statements, however, cannot be verified.  Authentication codes are required to enter the system safely.

Clans of organized criminals control Merrigo station. The source of their wealth remains unknown.

Home Planet: Glain MacGregor, Keegan MacGregor, Roland MacGregor (Gabriel Johns)

Primary: Rana

Alignment: Freeworld

Type: Selenic


Primary: Tyl

Leon Battista Alberti
Primary: Subra B
Primary: Acamar Due to a large amount of silicon dioxide in its soil, stone and rock on Claremont tends toward hues of purple. The planet has wider than average topics due to a significant axial tilt, which generates gusts of wind called Faire-Gaellies at seasonal change-over. The inhabitants in cities located at the proper latitudes, such as Harper’s Belle, celebrate these nomad gusts by adorning their buildings with all manner of chimes, whistles, and bullroarers.
Primary: Tania Australis
Primary: Merga
Primary: Tarazed
Ice Chest